Merit Builders’ Onsite Roll Former
Merit Builders’ VSM Roll Formed Roof System provides a customized roofing solution that is actually fabricated at the building site. VSM is especially appropriate for roofs that are intended to be seen and be architecturally pleasing, as well as those that are complex in design. Merit Builders uses Schlebach’s Quadro-Plus Rollformer to produce variable width […]
Merit Builders’ VSM Roll Formed Roof System provides a customized roofing solution that is actually fabricated at the building site. VSM is especially appropriate for roofs that are intended to be seen and be architecturally pleasing, as well as those that are complex in design. Merit Builders uses Schlebach’s Quadro-Plus Rollformer to produce variable width panels up to 18 inches wide and 100+ feet long without the need for panel laps. Versatile, VSM panels can be used in many applications.